Jan 1, 2024
4 min read

10 Best B2B Cold Email Templates to Land you a Demo in 2024

written by
Yashvi Gada
reviewed by

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Have a phenomenal demo script but can’t land a demo? One reason might be a less-than-stellar cold email campaign. 

Amid the growing use of B2B marketing cold email templates, it can be hard to know exactly how to make your sales team outreach stand out. 

But don’t worry, your cold email outreach campaign doesn’t have to be a mess, and it doesn't have to end up in spam folders. 

GIF of Miley Cyrus saying "It's a Strategic Hot Mess"

To ensure that your winning demo script gets the spotlight it deserves, in this blog post we’ve compiled the most effective B2B cold sales email templates to to help your sales team book the demo they deserve.

The Anatomy of an Effective Cold Email

On a bare-bones level, the anatomy of an effective cold email is fairly straightforward. 

Make sure your email has:

  • an email subject line that piques curiosity
  • a cordial greeting
  • an email body with a steady tone that conveys the necessary information in a calm manner
  • a clear CTA

Don’t compromise on a robust call to action - it defines what you expect your prospect to do after reading your email.

Additionally, keep in mind that the best B2B cold sales emails are:

  • Personalized emails 
  • Direct
  • Not cluttered with too many numbers or jargon

Here are some specific cold outreach email templates to streamline your cold email outreach campaign and improve your email deliverability as a sales rep!

10 Best B2B Cold Email Templates to Land You a Demo in 2024

1. Interest CTA Email Template 

You might be tempted to push for a meeting right out the gate, but statistically, an interest CTA has a better success rate for sales reps. 


Your email recipients or prospects at other B2B companies are more likely to respond to a conversational inquiry than a direct demand on their time. Simply asking if people are interested goes a long way in landing you a demo by demonstrating your passion for the product and steering clear of an abrupt sales-centric approach.

Email Subject: Looking for (insert a function that your product fulfills)?

Hello (insert name of recipient),

Are you interested in knowing more about how you could (elaborate on the function in the subject line)? 

I ask because (detail the salient features of your product that would interest the recipient). 

I would be happy to further demonstrate how the product works for you in a way that suits your needs. Please feel free to contact me about the same.


(your name, job title, company name, website/ address, contact details, social media profiles)

2. Product Launch Email Template

This cold email template focuses on cold outreach asking business owners their thoughts on how you can improve it - something to start a conversation around your product and its benefits! 

Email Subject: I’d love to hear your thoughts on our new product [product name] 

Hello (recipient’s name),

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our new product, which completely changes the game when it comes to (mention a central function your product provides), and we’d love to have your thoughts! 

The product offers (detail the advantages of using your product over existing competitors in the market and specify the benefits your recipient can get by incorporating it in their industry). 

Our valued customer base includes companies such as [company A] and [company B] in [prospect’s industry/niche]. 

Nevertheless, we are committed to continuously enhancing [your product/service name].

As someone who has worked as a [prospect’s job title] in [prospect’s industry/niche] for [X] years, your thoughts and recommendations would be extremely valuable. 

I’d love to hear from you over a quick call - would you be opposed to catching up over a call?


(your name, job title, company name, website/ address, contact details, social media profiles)

Skyrocket your cold email success rates with interactive demos
Try Storylane Today

3. Free Resource B2B Email Template

You can catch more flies with honey, or, in this case - a free resource

GIF from Community (TV show) with Abed unwrapping a huge present as Senor Chang looks on

This cold email approach can also be used in tandem with the pain point template to increase your chances of landing a demo.

Email Subject: A free [resource name] to help you reach [recipient’s target/solution to their problem]

Hello (recipient’s name),

As a [your job title] in the [your industry/niche], I get the challenges that [prospect’s job title] face on a daily basis. That's why I wanted to offer you a valuable resource that can help alleviate some of those challenges. 

I’ve created a/an [resource (for example, ebook, tool, etc.)] that provides solutions for:

  • [issue #1] 
  • [issue #2] 
  • [issue #3], 

and more. 

It's completely free and can be accessed at [insert URL].

Additionally, we've created other invaluable resources on [subject of interest #1] and [subject of interest #2]. If you're interested in these, please let me know and I'll be happy to forward them to you.

If you have any questions or would like to chat further, please feel free to schedule a quick 15-minute call with me using this link: [insert scheduling link].


(your name, job title, company name, website/ address, contact details, social media profiles)

4. Prior History of Contact Email Template - Writing to Someone You’ve Met Once

Doubling down on a shared history of contact is a great cold email strategy because it ensures you're sending a personalized email and is therefore more likely to garner a response.

Email Subject: An exciting development is on the horizon!

Hello (recipient’s name),

If you remember (detail where or how you met/ worked together and the positive emotions associated with the experience). 

I’m getting in touch now because of an exciting development that I think you’d be particularly interested in. (insert what your product is and its salient features and why you think it’s relevant that they know about it)

Do let me know if you would like a personalized demo, I look forward to meeting/working with you again!


(your name, job title, company name, website/ address, contact details, social media profiles)

5. Key Stakeholder B2B Email Template - Find the Right Person

Confirming whether you have the right person to pitch to ensures that the recipient knows that you’re not wasting their time with unnecessary spam, and builds a rapport based on their role in the prospect company.

GIF from kim's convenience with the subtitle: "Well, may I please speak to your manager?"

Email Subject: Are you in charge of (insert the specific task and department demo-ing your product falls under)?

Hello (insert name of recipient),

Based on my inquiries, it seems that you are to be approached regarding (insert a skill or function that your product provides). 

I have a quick run-down of the features and benefits that the product provides and they are: (elaborate on the various advantages of your product). 

Feel free to contact me if you would like to know more about the same. If you are not the person in charge, please guide me to the key stakeholder so that I may convey the relevant information to them. Thank you for your time!


(your name, job title, company name, website/ address, contact details, social media profiles)

6. Reciprocity Email Template 

Human nature functions on reciprocity. 

If you scratch their back, they’re more likely to scratch yours! 

Showing goodwill or offering additional resources in a cold email might just be the thing that gets your foot in the door.

GIF from the Simpsons TV show where a panel of researchers are taking notes. Text at the bottom reads "He reciprocated!"

Email Subject: This might interest you

Hello (recipient’s name),

I was at the (mention an event that both your businesses/ business owners were part of) some days ago and noticed that (insert a potential problem that the recipient or their company might have faced). However, I stepped in to maneuver the conversation and thought that at your current post, you’d like to know what transpired. 

We, at (insert your company’s name), have had to face such issues from time to time as well, and you may find my insights helpful. Let me know if you would like to get on a quick 10-minute call about the same. Watch out for the vultures!


(your name, job title, company name, website/ address, contact details, social media profiles)

7. Pain Point Email Template

All the best B2B companies cold email templates are enhanced by good research. 

This particular template relies on you correctly identifying a pain point your prospect company is struggling with - which they can solve by using your product.

Email Subject: The key to dealing with (insert the problem that you have identified)?

Hello (name of recipient),

It has come to my attention that your company has been dealing with (detail the issues that the recipient or their department likely has difficulty solving), and it might interest you to know that we have recently launched a product that addresses that particular problem. 

This product is particularly effective because it utilizes (outline how the product solves the identified problem, with proof to back your claims). I would be happy to further demonstrate to you how exactly the product works, and how that would have a positive effect on your vertical. Please get in touch for a quick personalized demo.


(your name, job title, company name, website/ address, contact details, social media profiles)

8. Site Visitor Email Template

Based on the traction and downloads from your website, you can identify areas of soft interest for visitors and follow through by initiating contact.

Email Subject: Hello (insert site name) visitor!

Greetings (insert name of recipient),

We have been registering a marked increase in the click-through rate and downloads made from our website for (insert specific resource that was downloaded/ interacted with), including yours.

In line with your interest, we have several rollouts and invaluable resources that may prove useful to you including this product (insert relevant link) which (detail the functionality and features that match the recipient’s interest).

If you like, I could set up a quick demo meeting to further illustrate how this product would aid in attaining your objective. Please feel free to reach out.


(your name, job title, company name, website/ address, contact details, social media profiles)

9. Customer Testimonial Email Template

This template works if you have an established business with prior client feedback and happy customers whose reviews serve as proof of your product’s effectiveness.

Email Subject: Helping your team accomplish [add relevant goal]

Hello (recipient’s name),

I noticed that you recently [mention recent business activity of note, e.g. if they downloaded your gated content], and I wanted to reach out to you. 

As someone who has worked with similar companies in [Name of field/industry], I think that [Your Company] would be a great fit for [Prospect's Company] - and I’d love to hear your goals for the upcoming [year/quarter/period of time]. 

At [Your Company], we specialize in helping businesses grow, and we have a proven track record of success with solutions such as:

  • X solution/result
  • Y solution/result
  • Z solution/result

Here is what they have to say about us: (insert a quote from a key decision-maker within the client company).

If you're interested in learning how we can help you achieve your goals, please feel free to book a quick call with me using this link: [Meeting Link].

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Best regards,

(your name, job title, company name, website/ address, contact details, social media profiles)

10. Follow-up Email Template

Don’t be disheartened if your first batch of cold emails fail to achieve the response rates you wanted. 

GIF of Roman Roy, a charcter from the HBO series Succession saying, "He's ghost. Again."

You can always rely on an intuitive follow-up email based on their response or lack thereof and give it one last try. 

Email Subject: You might have missed my last email!

Hello (insert recipient’s name),

I’m checking in regarding our last email, which outlined the potential our product has to alleviate your company’s concerns. To jog your memory, this product (stress the advantages of your product as opposed to its competitors), and is the perfect fit for you.

I’d be more than willing to address any second thoughts you might have, in exchange for a few minutes of your time, since I sincerely believe that this is a deal you don’t want to miss out on. If you would like to be taken off this outbound email list here is the unsubscribe link.


(your name, job title, company name, website/ address, contact details, social media profiles)

4 Cold Email Tips to Keep in Mind Before You Hit Send

To make your cold email approach and cold outreach more effective, check out these tips: 

1. Check for the 4Ps

You might have noticed that most of the suggested sales email templates have certain points in common, such as a call to action. Before hitting send, check if your drafted email fulfills the criteria of having the 4 Ps, i.e., that you:

  • Promise a certain result
  • Paint a desirable picture of what your product can bring about
  • Prove that this is doable
  • Push for a clear action on the part of the recipient

2. Balance Your Structure and Tone

Remember that an ideal cold email isn’t abruptly short or super long, so it’s best to aim for anywhere between 50 to 150 words for an easily scrollable length. 

Stress on proven expertise, but do not get carried away by concrete statistics that might read more like a report rather than the beginning of a rapport you would like to build. 

Always be prepared to follow through!

You can check out some other email marketing benchmarks here

4 Cold Email Tips to Keep in Mind

3. Focus on Relevancy Over Personalization

B2B Sales Consultant Mark Colgan suggests: 

“When it comes to personalization, I personally believe (and swear by) that relevancy is more effective than personalization. A highly personalized message to the wrong person in the wrong industry is simply not going to get a reply. And that's another mistake that a lot of salespeople make. 

This really comes down to fully understanding your ideal customer profile and the buyer personas. In addition, this means knowing where to find most appropriate data on those companies. 

You can focus on things like triggers and signals to build more detailed, segmented lists, which might not contain as many prospects as you're used to, however, increasing the likelihood of those prospects being interested in your service. 

Typical triggers and signals include:

  • Currently hiring
  • Raised a round of funding
  • Using a specific technology
  • Office relocation/new office expansion”

4. Tell a Story 

Maria Harutyunyan, the co-founder of SEO agency Loopex Digital, says: 

“One tip I have for cold emailing is to make it incredibly creative. I'm not talking about sending out gimmicky, clickbaity subject lines. I'm talking about taking the time to really understand your prospects and crafting a message that speaks to them on a personal level.

One of the best ways to be creative with your cold emails is to use storytelling. People love stories, and if you can weave a compelling narrative into your email, you're much more likely to get a response. For example, I share a story about the clients I helped or how our service has significantly impacted our prospect's business. 

It will show them that you've done your homework and that you understand their pain points.”

And once you’ve landed a demo through a cold email, you can use Storylane to drive the sale home with a stellar personalized demo! 

Storylane is a no-code product demo software that allows you to create interactive and engaging demos by just dragging and dropping visual elements.

With Storylane, you can:

  • Capture the various screens of your product and create a demo that gives the exact look and feel of your product
  • Determine unique flows and checklists for multiple use cases
  • Personalize fields like names, company names, etc.
  • Create a fully functioning product demo in just a few minutes 

Click on the 'Start Interactive Tour' Button to take a peek👇

Depending on your prospect’s industry and their main business challenges, you can change the data in your product demo to ensure it’s relevant to your cold prospects.

Wrapping Up

The process of cold emailing is always going to be a hit or miss - but the key is to not come across as desperate or forceful while being consistently persuasive.

The guidelines we’ve outlined above will ensure that you’re in a better position to land a demo for your product, and that’s what matters. 

Just make sure to take your time to get the tone right and to tailor each email to its recipient thoughtfully. 

Good luck with all the demos you land in 2024!

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“In a world older and more complete than ours they move finished and complete, gifted with extensions of the senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear.”
Madhav Bhandari
Head of Marketing

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