8 Genius Landing Page Optimization Examples to Boost Conversions

Navya M
Content Marketer
min read
August 1, 2024

Landing pages come in various types, based on their objectives. 

Still, the average conversion rate of landing pages across product pages, lead generation pages, click-through pages, and more is just 9.7%

This means that less than 1 in every 10 landing page visitors actually follows through with the desired action. 

If your landing page is lacking in conversions or if the heatmaps do not show enough interactions, it's time to revisit its elements. 

Landing page optimization involves strategic improvements to ramp up this conversion rate via CRO techniques such as copy and design refinements, A/B tests, page speed optimization, user-centric thinking, and more. 

This article explores a few standout examples of landing page optimizations to implement in your own pages for better results.

8 Creative Landing Page Optimization Examples 

1. Slite: Differentiating from Competitors with Clear Comparisons

Slite differentiating itself from Notion on its competitor page

Slite, a collaborative documentation tool, needed to differentiate itself from its main competitor, Notion.

The Problem:

Slite vs Notion comparison table

Earlier, Slite's comparison page lacked enough detail. The comparison table itself, which is a crucial element that users skim over, surfaced generic features such as “built for remote teams”, “quick to set up”, “easy for the whole team to adopt”. This resulted in an underwhelming message that failed to differentiate Slite from Notion.  

The Solution:

Landing page optimization on Slite's comparison page

Slite revamped its landing page to clearly articulate its unique value proposition and directly address Notion's shortcomings. Post optimization, The value proposition in the headline is clear, attention-grabbing, easy to understand, and customer-centric.

Key Changes:

1. Updated the headline to clearly communicate Slite's unique value proposition. Switched from keywords such as “Can’t decide between Slite and Notion” to targeted ones with search volume such as “Notion alternative”

2. Implemented a question-and-answer format and a conversational tone that was easy to follow and highlighted features that Notion lacks

3. Added multiple CTAs throughout the page (e.g., "Book a demo", "Start for free", "Contact our sales")

4. Focused body messaging on specific user personas and their pain points


While specific metrics weren't provided, the optimized page likely improved user engagement and conversions by clearly differentiating Slite from its main competitor and addressing user needs more directly.


When competing in a crowded market, clearly articulate how your product solves users' problems better than existing solutions. Research what your prospective users compare your product to and use relevant comparisons.

2. Pulley: Leveraging Interactive Demos

How pulley uses interactive demos on landing pages

Pulley, an equity management platform, aimed to better showcase its product capabilities directly on its fundraising modeling landing page.

The Problem:

Pulley's original product landing page didn't effectively demonstrate the product's functionality to potential users.

The Solution:

Pulley implemented an interactive demo using Storylane on its product landing page. This helped visitors experience the product firsthand and encouraged self-serve sign-ups. The demo was designed to showcase how simple and user-friendly it was for a founder to do a very complex task with Pulley. 

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Key Changes:

1. Added an interactive demo showcasing how founders can model fundraising impact on equity dilution

2. Designed each step to highlight the product's simplicity and user-friendliness

3. Focused on demonstrating benefits and impact rather than just listing features


The interactive demo received over 10,000 impressions and converted thousands of visitors into free users. Read the whole case study here.


Similar to what Pulley did, interactive demos can be a powerful tool to show your product's value proposition. You can create one in under 10 mins with Storylane and use it on landing pages to have prospects try out your product and drive sign ups. Start free or book a demo today!

3. Lavender: Crafting a Strong Hero Copy

How lavender crafts a strong hero copy

Lavender, an email AI coach for sales teams, needed to improve its hero section to better target its ideal customer profile (ICP).

The Problem:

Lavender's original hero copy, “Email like magic” was generic and failed to effectively communicate the product’s specific benefits. Moreover, it fell short in catering to Lavender’s target audience of sales professionals. 

The Solution:

Lavender revamped its hero section to directly address its ICP and clearly communicate its value proposition.

Key Changes:

1. Updated the headline from “email like it’s magic” to "more replies = more sales pipeline", directly targeting their ICP and proving to be more tactical. It surfaced the bottom-line objective of sales pipeline, which the previous headline failed to do. 

2. They positioned their product as a Sales email AI coach to help SDRs and AEs optimize their outbound emails over their previous copy, which did not position the product well

3. Added an interactive game element to the second fold for increased engagement


The more targeted messaging likely improved engagement with Lavender's core audience of sales professionals.


Your hero copy is critical. Focus on clearly communicating the problems you solve and the benefits your users will experience. A captivating headline that speaks to a key problem or benefit can significantly impact your landing page's effectiveness.

4. Senja: A/B Testing CTA for Better Conversions

Senja uses interactive demos to drive CTRs

Senja, a testimonial platform, experimented with its CTA on the homepage to see which variation would drive better CTRs. 

The Problem:

As per Wilson, the co-founder of Senja.io, they tested a CTA on their demo and saw an impressive uptick in conversions. They decided to run an experiment to see if they could improve its performance. 

The Solution:

The team at Senja made two simple but effective changes to their CTA. 

Key Changes:

The A/B testing on the Demo CTA on Senja

1. The demo CTA text was changed from "Made with Senja" to "Collect testimonials with Senja." This move away from “seller-centric” copy and towards “buyer-centric” or “use case specific” copy encourages users to try out the product’s USP.

2. Added an icon to the powered-by badge to indicate it was clickable so that people who see it will know it leads to another site.


These small changes resulted in a 40% increase in conversions, which, as per this post, translated to an additional 12,000 visits to their SaaS platform per year.


Don't underestimate the power of A/B testing for seemingly minor elements like CTAs. Small changes can lead to significant improvements in conversion rates.

Our insight: Did you know that the average CTA conversion rate with interactive demos is 26%? Given that the most successful landing pages convert at around 10%, an interactive demo can be a great addition to your landing page. 

Planning to add a demo to your landing page? Here’s our in-house case study on demo CTA and placement to improve conversions and get started. 

5. Olipop: Leveraging Stylized Product Images

Olipop uses stylized product visuals in the hero fold

Olipop, a gut-friendly soda brand, needed to better communicate its unique value proposition visually.

The Problem:

Previously, Olipop's landing page used generic images that were unrelated to the points being made about the product.

The Solution:

Olipop redesigned its landing page to emphasize stylized product images and reorganize content for better user engagement.

Key Changes:

Olipop uses better product visuals on its landing page

1. Replaced generic images with stylized product images throughout the landing page

2. Reorganized content under a dropdown FAQ format rather than the long folds present in the previous version

3. Earlier, the fold for social proof had the headline “Don’t just take our word for it, hear what our customers have to say”, but with no backup such as testimonials or comments. Post optimization, the fold was replaced with a creative headline that says “Trust your gut, or ours?”, and a self-serve format that allows customers to explore the product and encourages them to choose one based on their liking, which is a creative move. 

4. Optimized content for relevant keywords like "healthy", "probiotic", and "good for gut"


Ahrefs traffic increase and decrease in bounce rate after Olipops optimization

Following these changes, as per Ahrefs, Olipop saw an improvement in branded keywords and keywords related to how it promotes its product, such as “healthy,” “probiotic,” “good for gut,” and so on. Their bounce rate also decreased to 51.47%.


Using stylized product images can significantly enhance your landing page's visual appeal and help communicate your product's unique features more effectively. Additionally, create valuable content related to the keyword, providing relevant information to visitors. This content and visual-rich approach can enhance your user experience and the landing page's SEO performance.

6. Charlie HR: Streamlining the Sign-up Flow

Charlie HR nails the demo sign up process

Charlie HR, an HR software company, needed to improve its demo sign-up process.

The Problem:

Charlie HR's original demo page had a simple form to input name and email, with an option to receive an access link for a demo. This approach lacked guidance, personalization and did not take the user’s time into consideration.

The Solution:

Charlie HR revamped its sign-up flow to provide multiple engagement options and reduce uncertainty.

Key Changes:

1. Offered multiple, clear-cut options for next steps (book a chat, schedule a call, or watch a live demo)

2. Added a Calendly link for scheduling a full live demo

3. Included an option for a shorter 15-minute introductory call

4. Provided a direct phone number for immediate contact

5. Personalized the experience by introducing the team member prospects would be speaking with


These diverse options accommodate different user preferences, from those ready for an in-depth demonstration to those seeking a quick overview. Ultimately, they create a more inclusive and user-friendly onboarding process that can lead to higher engagement and increased demo sign-ups.  


A well-designed sign-up flow that incorporates multiple engagement options can significantly enhance the user experience and increase conversion potential. Personalization and flexibility are key to accommodating different user preferences and comfort levels.

Also read: How to increase demo requests: a guide

7. Canny: Enhancing Social Proof

Canny has a social proof fold that helps with conversions

Canny, a product feedback management tool, needed to improve how it presented customer testimonials and case studies.

The Problem:

Canny's original testimonial section featured just three reviews with a generic CTA prompting visitors to check out case studies.

The Solution:

Canny redesigned its social proof section to make it more comprehensive and user-friendly.

Key Changes:

1. Segregated case studies by team type over showing random testimonials 

2. Made each testimonial clickable, redirecting to relevant case studies

3. Increased the number of visible testimonials


This approach likely improved engagement with Canny's social proof, making it easier for potential customers to find relevant success stories.


Effective use of social proof can significantly boost your landing page's credibility. Organize testimonials and case studies so that visitors can easily find relevant examples for their specific use case.


Reply: Simplifying Complex Pricing Information

Reply nails all elements of a good pricing page

Reply, an email outreach platform, sought to make its pricing information more accessible and user-friendly.

The Problem:

Reply's previous pricing page was visually unappealing and featured an overwhelming comparison table that might confuse users.

The Solution:

Reply redesigned its pricing page to be more visually appealing and user-friendly while still providing comprehensive information.

Key Changes:

It has the option of comparing different competitors on the same fold

1. Implemented a cleaner, more visually appealing design

2. Added a dynamic comparison table with a summary of key features and with the option to switch between competitors

3. Included a detailed feature comparison table after the second fold

4. Incorporated social proof with G2 ratings

5. Added a slider as an instant quote calculator for variable costs

6. Included an FAQ section to address common objections


The new design likely improved user understanding of pricing options and potentially increased conversions by making it easier for users to compare plans and understand the value proposition.


When presenting complex pricing information, focus on clarity and ease of comparison. Use visual elements like comparison tables and sliders to help users quickly understand their options.

A quick roundup: Landing page optimization examples

These nine examples of landing page optimization showcase a variety of strategies that can significantly impact conversion rates:

1. Slite demonstrated the importance of clear competitor comparisons in crowded markets.

2. Pulley leveraged interactive demos to allow users to experience product value firsthand.

3. Lavender highlighted the importance of a strong, targeted hero copy.

4. Senja proved that even small CTA changes can lead to significant conversion improvements.

5. Olipop illustrated the power of stylized product images in communicating value propositions.

6. Charlie HR showcased how a flexible, personalized sign-up flow can enhance user experience.

7. Canny demonstrated effective use of organized social proof to build credibility.

8. Reply showed how simplifying complex pricing information can improve user understanding and potentially boost conversions.

How Storylane can help

Storylane provides interactive demos, which can significantly enhance your landing page optimization efforts. By allowing potential customers to engage with a product directly on the landing page, these demos bridge the gap between product description and user experience. 

This hands-on interaction can increase engagement, offer a better understanding of the product's value proposition, and ultimately lead to higher conversion rates. 

Wondering how you can showcase your product's functionality in real-time? Book a free demo and let Storylane help you boost conversion rates on your landing pages.

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