Partnership Announcement: and Clearbit Join Forces‍

min read
October 23, 2023

We are excited to announce our partnership with Clearbit, the world's foremost marketing intelligence tool.

Are you looking for a way to identify anonymous website visitors and get more information on the companies that engage with your interactive demos? Well, this one is for you! and Clearbit have partnered up to provide users with a new feature, Demo Reveal. This feature allows all Storylane users to enrich viewers' data with company info from Clearbit, automatically and without requiring a Clearbit account.

In this blog post, we will dive into the details of this partnership and how it can benefit you and your business.

Why the Partnership? and Clearbit share a common goal - to help businesses identify and target their ideal customers more efficiently. By partnering, the two companies can leverage their respective strengths and offer a more powerful solution to their customers. specializes in interactive product demos, while Clearbit can identify website visitors and enrich their data with company information. The integration of these two services offers a seamless user experience, enabling businesses to get the most out of their demos towards improving their lead generation as well as lead targeting efforts.

What Users Get from This Partnership?

By using the Demo Reveal feature, you can:

  • Identify Engaged Companies: With Clearbit's data, you'll have complete visibility into which companies are engaging with your demos. This information can help you prioritize your sales efforts and reach out to the most promising leads.
  • Enhance Lead Nurturing: Enriched data allows for more targeted and effective outreach strategies. By identifying a company's size, industry, and other relevant information, you can tailor your messaging and make a more significant impact.
  • Set up Slack Alerts for Sales Reps: Whenever someone engages in a demo, your marketing team can automatically send signals to a Slack channel. Reps will love getting pinged about engaged demo leads.
  • Leverage for ABM Campaigns: Utilize the enriched data from Demo Reveal in your Account-Based Marketing (ABM) campaigns to create hyper-targeted strategies. Knowing which companies are engaging with your demos enables you to tailor your ABM campaigns, ensuring that your messaging is relevant and impactful for each account.
  • Increase Conversion Rates: Prioritizing the promising leads resulting from the enriched data can lead to increased conversions. With Demo Reveal, you can focus your resources on the leads that are most likely to convert, improving your ROI.

How Demo Reveal Works?

Enriching your demo viewers' data with Reveal is incredibly simple:

  1. Enable Demo Reveal: Activate in Settings for your demos with a single click.
  2. Access Insights: View enriched company data about your demo viewers directly in the Storylane Analytics Dashboard.

Try out the interactive demo below 👇

Curious to see Storylane and Clearbit live in action? Book a personalized demo here!

Do Users Need a Separate Account for Clearbit?

No, users don't need a separate account to use Clearbit's services. All they need is a Storylane account from where they can directly activate the Demo Reveal feature. This new integration eliminates the need for users to switch between different platforms to get the information they need. It saves time and allows businesses to make data-driven decisions faster.

How Does Pricing Work?

The Demo Reveal feature is available in all Storylane plans, with different limits depending on the plan. For more details on the pricing structure, please check out Storylane's pricing page. With the new feature, users can identify engaged companies, enhance lead nurturing, and increase conversion rates, at no extra cost.

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What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

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"Previously, there was scope for error and we’ve gone from a process that could be time consuming and painful to a process that’s super quick."


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