How increased website visitors by 400% and conversions by 7x

Learn how Samir Karande, Founder of,  created an interactive product demo to demonstrate how their platform is revolutionizing cloud optimization, resulting in an impressive:

  • 400% increase in visitors and a
  • 7x surge in conversions.
Sales Velocity
Saas, FinOps
New York, New York, United States

Why did this demo work?

Interactive demos are reshaping the way businesses engage, and here are the key insights from SoftLedger's demos.

📌 Focus on core value’s demo is crafted to highlight the core value to customers. Each step is interactive, and the demo is hands-on, engaging users right from the start.

📌 Short and clear content delivery
Samir combined short, clear audio and text descriptions at every step. This method was crucial in breaking down complex cloud optimization processes into digestible information, making this information accessible and engaging.

📌 Effective Call-to-Action
The demo culminated with a well-placed and compelling CTA, which effectively converted users' interest into actionable steps, driving up the conversion rate.

📌 Track metrics and use insights for guidance
The demo’s success is measured by user engagement metrics - number of views, time spent, completion rates, and CTA interactions. These metrics inform the continuous refinement of the demo, ensuring it resonates with the audience.

Check out the LinkedIn Story

"Previously, there was scope for error and we’ve gone from a process that could be time consuming and painful to a process that’s super quick."
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How increased website visitors by 400% and conversions by 7x

Learn how Samir Karande, Founder of,  created an interactive product demo to demonstrate how their platform is revolutionizing cloud optimization, resulting in an impressive:

  • 400% increase in visitors and a
  • 7x surge in conversions.
This is some text inside of a div block.
Saas, FinOps
New York, New York, United States

Why did this demo work?

Interactive demos are reshaping the way businesses engage, and here are the key insights from SoftLedger's demos.

📌 Focus on core value’s demo is crafted to highlight the core value to customers. Each step is interactive, and the demo is hands-on, engaging users right from the start.

📌 Short and clear content delivery
Samir combined short, clear audio and text descriptions at every step. This method was crucial in breaking down complex cloud optimization processes into digestible information, making this information accessible and engaging.

📌 Effective Call-to-Action
The demo culminated with a well-placed and compelling CTA, which effectively converted users' interest into actionable steps, driving up the conversion rate.

📌 Track metrics and use insights for guidance
The demo’s success is measured by user engagement metrics - number of views, time spent, completion rates, and CTA interactions. These metrics inform the continuous refinement of the demo, ensuring it resonates with the audience.

Check out the LinkedIn Story

"Previously, there was scope for error and we’ve gone from a process that could be time consuming and painful to a process that’s super quick."