How Messente achieved 41% demo conversion rate and over 1000 hours of interaction time
Learn how Antero, Product Marketing Manager at Messente, crafted an interactive demo to showcase Messente’s product. The demo was used not only for lead conversion but also as collateral in outbound campaigns and new customer onboarding, resulting in:
- 41% demo conversion rate and
- over 1000 hours spent interacting with the demo 🔥

Why do you think this demo worked?
👉 Showcase the product's key functions and value proposition
The demo provided instant access to Messente’s Dashboard UI, cleverly integrating different API functions to give leads a real-time product experience, enhancing their understanding of what Messente offers.
👉 Add multiple conversion points throughout the demo
Antero designed the demo with various CTA buttons, allowing customers to convert at different stages, driving them toward talking with sales or testing the product.
👉 Highlight exceptional core values
The team emphasized Messente’s standout support and account management, aligning with the company’s core value of exceptional customer experience. This played a pivotal role in converting prospects to paying customers.
👉 Structure the demo around the customer’s journey
Each part of the demo was crafted to take users through key stages, offering a comprehensive product overview without dwelling on more time consuming components like sending out a full campaign - something users can try out themselves when testing.
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