How to Connect Boards in
Here's how you can connect boards in
- To add the 'Connect Boards Column', click on the + icon located next to your last column, at the far right-hand side of your board.
- From the resulting dropdown menu, select 'Connect boards'.
- A screen will pop up prompting you to select which board(s) you'd like to link to. Click 'Select boards'.
- Start selecting the board(s) that you would like to create a connection with by clicking the checkbox.
- You may also click 'Create a two way connection' to allow bidirectional linkage.
- Once set, click 'Connect boards'.
- A notification pops up once the two boards have been connected successfully.
- You can click inside any cell within the Connect Boards Column.
- Once clicked, it will reveal the items from the connected boards for you to choose from.
- When you have multiple items linked, the column will show the number of items and you can hover over the number to show the names of the linked items.
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