
The Art of Commenting on LinkedIn

min read

Do you want to boost your engagement on LinkedIn and stand out from the crowd?

In the world of SaaS, practically everyone lives on LinkedIn. Everyone craves to build a strong presence on LinkedIn. Be it to build a personal brand or to improve advocacy for their organization, LinkedIn is a go-to Platform for all B2B SaaS professionals.

That said, most of us haven’t figured out the art of commenting on LinkedIn.

That's why we invite you to join us for this week’s “GTM On The Go,” where our own Head of Marketing, @ Madhav Bhandari, chats with the brilliant @Ashley Faus, who heads Lifecycle Marketing at @Atlassian.

Join us as we dig into the “Art Of Commenting on LinkedIn,” the only guide you need to cultivate a strong presence in your niche and make meaningful connections that help you stand out in the crowd!

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What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

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"Previously, there was scope for error and we’ve gone from a process that could be time consuming and painful to a process that’s super quick."

"Previously, there was scope for error and we’ve gone from a process that could be time consuming and painful to a process that’s super quick."


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